Ben’s Blog

Category: React

  • Searching for Jazz

    Searching for Jazz
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    I may have mentioned in one of my first posts that one of my long-term goals is to create a music discovery/recommendation algorithm. The music streaming apps are great at managing playlists and streaming music. But I want a seamless experience for discovering new music. And, without having to listen to the full song, I… Read more

  • Book App with React Native (Portfolio Edition)

    Book App with React Native (Portfolio Edition)
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    Wrapping up development on my simple, lightweight, TBR book app with react native! Check out the code here! I wrote it with React Native, meaning it runs on iOS, Android, and web all from the same codebase! The app is a simple search bar that ties into the Open Library search API, and lets you… Read more

  • Book App with React Native

    Book App with React Native

    Short post! Working on a book app with React Native for my portfolio. So far, it is able to search the Internet Archive’s Open Library search API for input a user makes. The results look like this: So the user inputs “Earthsea” for example, and then the Open Library returns all the books that relate… Read more

  • Full-Stack Application with React

    Full-Stack Application with React
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    This is a full-stack application with React and a FastAPI back-end. The main features of the application I announced in this post are done. To track progress and see the results so far, view the project repository on GitHub here. The app is meant to be a one-stop-shop for seeing which of your favorite websites… Read more

  • Book Quotes with React & FastAPI

    Book Quotes with React & FastAPI

    Archiving alert: To avoid subscription payments, I will be deactivating the Cloud Run integration on this post. You can still access the code and run locally! Hey all! Just refactored the code in my React components for literary quotes. This component displays formatted quotes from a database with a FastAPI backend. Check out the results… Read more

  • The Best Git Repository of All Time

    The Best Git Repository of All Time
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    In this post, I’m going to proselytize open source software and what I’m calling The Best Git Repository of All Time. I will preview how it’s going to help me deploy a full-stack web application. The Problem The reason I’ve been so focused on web-crawling in recent blogs is I have a problem. There’s a… Read more

  • Developing React for the Cloud: Portfolio Edition

    Developing React for the Cloud: Portfolio Edition

    Archiving alert: While the code for this post is still available, I have deactivated the Cloud Run service to avoid subscription payments. You can still run in a container locally! The utility below is a Typescript React application that is running inside a Docker container on Google’s Cloud Run, primarily meant to demonstrate React concepts… Read more