Category: Portfolio
A placeholder category for portfolio posts.
Deployment-Ready Flask App
For me, deployment is one of the most exciting parts of the development process. Knowing code is live and serving a real-world purpose. Unfortunately, while developing, the gulf between by local development branch and a live production environment feels oceanic. That’s why planning for deployment from the start can help accelerate your development! So today,… Read more
Book App with React Native (Portfolio Edition)
Wrapping up development on my simple, lightweight, TBR book app with react native! Check out the code here! I wrote it with React Native, meaning it runs on iOS, Android, and web all from the same codebase! The app is a simple search bar that ties into the Open Library search API, and lets you… Read more
Hosting WordPress with Docker, Caddy, and Linux
I’m an open-source enthusiast and a consumer frustrated by low-quality subscription software bloating the market. So, I’ve wondered for a while how easy it would be to set up a blog using all open-source software with as little cost as possible. By hosting WordPress with Docker, Caddy, and Linux, I’ve found my answer. Check out… Read more
Full-Stack Application with React
This is a full-stack application with React and a FastAPI back-end. The main features of the application I announced in this post are done. To track progress and see the results so far, view the project repository on GitHub here. The app is meant to be a one-stop-shop for seeing which of your favorite websites… Read more
Sci-Fi Novel Data Visualization
I collected Wikipedia articles for nearly 900 science fiction novels, and clustered them via the TF-IDF and k-means algorithms. The dimensions are reduced for visualization via t-SNE, the colors represent the k-means clusters, and the dot size represents the prominence of an article among the other data. Read more about the methodology at this post.… Read more
The New Jazz Album Data Visualization (Portfolio Edition)
For the previous version of this visualization, see my old blog post here. I wanted to both improve the quality of the code and the visualization. See this post for more details. In short, this is a visualization of Wikipedia articles on jazz albums clustered via TF-IDF and k-means techniques. Colors represent k-means clusters in… Read more
Is Jazz Dead?
Background Recently, I attended a concert by Marcos Valle put on by the record label Jazz Is Dead. It reminded me to make good on my promise to upgrade my jazz data projects by extracting new data from the wiki pages. The main obstacle to doing this at the time I extracted the data was… Read more
Two Graphs on Jazz with Free Data Scraped from Wikipedia
Explanation: For this visualization, I scraped 6064 Wikipedia articles for jazz or jazz-related albums, and clustered the articles according to similarity using TF-IDF and t-SNE for getting the 2-D position of the album on the graph – and using k-means for the point colors. Insights & Future Directions: Explanation: This is a doughnut chart that… Read more