Deducing Poets by their Poetry
In case you didn’t read my tutorial on predicting jazz genres extreme gradient boosting, check it out now! In short, I used Wikipedia articles on jazz albums to…
4 min read
Book App with React Native
Short post! Working on a book app with React Native for my portfolio. So far, it is able to search the Internet Archive’s Open Library search API for…
4 min read
Hosting WordPress with Docker, Caddy, and Linux
I’m an open-source enthusiast and a consumer frustrated by low-quality subscription software bloating the market. So, I’ve wondered for a while how easy it would be to set…
4 min read
Tracking E-Book Downloads from Project Gutenberg
Background on my work tracking e-book downloads from Project Gutenberg. Update: The code is still available, but I have turned off the cron job to live update the…
4 min read
Full-Stack Application with React
This is a full-stack application with React and a FastAPI back-end. The main features of the application I announced in this post are done. To track progress and…
4 min read
Book Quotes with React & FastAPI
Archiving alert: To avoid subscription payments, I will be deactivating the Cloud Run integration on this post. You can still access the code and run locally! Hey all!…
4 min read