A curated subset of my blog posts that represent some of my highest technical achievements in a category.
Deployment-Ready Flask App
For me, deployment is one of the most exciting parts of the development process. Knowing code is live and serving a real-world purpose. Unfortunately, while developing, the gulf…
4 min read
Book App with React Native (Portfolio Edition)
Wrapping up development on my simple, lightweight, TBR book app with react native! Check out the code here! I wrote it with React Native, meaning it runs on…
4 min read
Hosting WordPress with Docker, Caddy, and Linux
I’m an open-source enthusiast and a consumer frustrated by low-quality subscription software bloating the market. So, I’ve wondered for a while how easy it would be to set…
4 min read
Full-Stack Application with React
This is a full-stack application with React and a FastAPI back-end. The main features of the application I announced in this post are done. To track progress and…
4 min read
Sci-Fi Novel Data Visualization
I collected Wikipedia articles for nearly 900 science fiction novels, and clustered them via the TF-IDF and k-means algorithms. The dimensions are reduced for visualization via t-SNE, the…
4 min read
The New Jazz Album Data Visualization (Portfolio Edition)
For the previous version of this visualization, see my old blog post here. I wanted to both improve the quality of the code and the visualization. See this…
4 min read